Cover Picture
The cover picture shows a cutout from the reconstructed zero layer of a decagonal Al70Co12Ni18 Quasicrystal based on 720 step-scan images.
Laboratory of Crystallography Department of Materials ETH Zurich Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 5 CH-8093 Zurich Switzerland |
Head: Secretary: Telephone: Telefax: |
Prof. Walter Steurer Cornelia Aurelio +41 44 632 3769 +41 44 632 1133 |
QuasicrystalsContact: Walter Steurer |
Diffuse Scattering / Color Laue MethodContacts: Walter Steurer and Thomas Weber |
Powder Diffraction / Zeolites Contacts: Christian Baerlocher and Lynne McCusker |
Industry Solutions Contacts: Valery Shklover |
Magnetic StructuresContact: Penelope Schobinger-Papamantellos |
L.B. McCusker and Ch. Baerlocher, "Electron crystallography as a complement to X-ray powder diffraction techniques" (2013) Z. Kristallogr. 228, 1-10 pdf
Ch. Baerlocher, T. Weber, L.B. McCusker, L. Palatinus and S.I. Zones, "Unravelling the perplexing structure of the zeolite SSZ-57" (2011) Science, 333, 1134-1137
J. Dshemuchadse, D.Y. Jung and W. Steurer, "Structural building principles of complex face-centered cubic intermetallics" (2011) Acta Crystallogr. B67, 269-292
W. Steurer and S. Deloudi, "Fascinating quasicrystals" (2008) Acta Crystallogr. A64, 1-11
Ch. Baerlocher, F. Gramm, L. Massüger, L.B. McCusker, Z. He, S. Hovmöller and X. Zou, "Structure of the polycrystalline zeolite catalyst IM-5 solved by enhanced charge flipping" (2007) Science 315, 1113-1116
W. Steurer, "The Samson phase, ß-Mg2Al3, revisited" (2007) Z. Kristallogr. 222, 259-288
Ch. Baerlocher, L.B. McCusker and L. Palatinus, "Charge flipping combined with histogram matching to solve complex crystal structures from powder diffraction data" (2007) Z. Kristallogr. 222, 47-53
W. Steurer, "Reflections on symmetry and formation of axial qasicrystals" (2006) Z. Kristallogr. 221, 402-411
W. Steurer, "Twenty years of structure research on quasicrystals. Part I. Pentagonal, octagonal, decagonal and dodecagonal quasicrystals" (2004) Z. Kristallogr. 219, 391-446
Ch. Baerlocher, L.B. McCusker, S. Prokic and T. Wessels, "Exploiting texture to estimate the relative intensities of overlapping reflections" (2004) Z. Kristallogr. 219, 803-819
W. Steurer, "The quasicrystal-to-crystal transformation. I. Geometrical principles" (2000) Z. Kristallogr. 215, 323-334
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